sábado, 26 de fevereiro de 2011

Civilizações não mencionadas em Testiculos Habet

Uria’s homology has an asymmetric point, like a reminder that there are many ways to evolution. In Australia, the aborigine culture goes beyond 60,000 years. They didn’t built stone monuments, or domesticate animals and plants, with the exception of the macadamia. Yet, their culture contains all the elements of a civilized world. The Arts – great paintings, songs and dances, was beautifully developed, as well as their sense of Nature and their efforts to understand the natural world. Looking at Western culture’s wars, degradation and destruction of the environment we can think that the Aboriginal culture is more advanced. Their ancient rock art shows the many Ancestral Beings (deities or gods) so important in Aboriginal religion. More than 40,000 thousand years ago, they also recorded in stone many extinct animals, large and small.

Returning to the rest of the world, I could even say, that the Urians only know one fifth of what will be discovered later. Asia, Europe, Australia and the Americas have been populated by what they call Homo Sapiens for more than 60,000 years. Yet, Africa saw the first Homo Sapiens about 150,000 years ago. Even though, and what nobody is questioning, is that the oldest known civilizations developed much later and almost simultaneously.

Natufian culture – Mediterranean region 10,000 Years Ago

Sumer civilization (cradle of the

Akkadian and Babylonian Empires) 6,000 YA

Indus Valley Civilization 5,300 YA

Egyptian civilization 5,000 YA

Persia, Pre-Elam civilization 5,000 YA

Caral-Supe culture, Peru 5,000 YA

Kerma Civilization, Sudan 5,000 YA

China prehistoric Times:

Xia Dynasty (2070BC-1600BC) 4,070 YA

Shang Dynasties (1600 BC) 3,600 YA

Wessex and Stonehenge Cultures 3,750 YA

Olmec Culture 3,500 YA

The majority of these civilizations possess, among themselves, strong ties that connect them, although at times their similarities are not apparent. Many think that within Uria’s surface there are other much older civilizations, to which the legends described as Shangri-La, people of the Vril-Ya and others. Nevertheless, our fact-finding mission was restricted to the Humanity living on the planet’s surface.

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